Why Going Mobile Using PWA Is Essential For SEO

B.Duncan, 2022

In the last few years technology has been developing faster than ever before, the basic strategies and tools we’ve been using are no longer going to be enough. Google’s mobile-first index was launched on July 1st of 2019, making mobile-first indexing the default across their search platforms.

However, it’s been noted that passing Google’s ‘mobile usability’ test does not guarantee the webpage's UX design is up to standard, instead it could simply mean the test identifies valid URLs on your webpage. This only furthers the importance of staying current with mobile usability standards and implementing PWA into your SEO strategy.

How Important Is Mobile Device UX?

Mobile-first indexing being prioritised in SEO rankings, is a reaction to the data surrounding the spike of mobile searchers in recent years and data that continues to prove this dramatic shift.

  • 3 out of 5 searches now happen on mobile devices with this number continuing to grow
  • 77% of mobile searches happening at home or work with the rest being done on-the-go
  • on a average each mobile search triggers approximately 2 follow up actions from users
  • Mobile search actions account for 55% of sale related conversions within 1 hour


What’s PWA & How Can It Benefit My Webpage?

 PWA is short for progressive web apps, they’re essentially webpages that contain the functionality of a fully developed mobile app without being one. They’re generally developed using CSS, Javascript or HTML with the addition of a JSON file called a web application manifest. If you’re unfamiliar with a web application manifest, it’s the key to boosting your ranking amidst the growing spike in mobile users and their UX expectations and future-proofing your online business. 


How Does A Web Application Manifest Fit Into PWA?

 A web application manifest is simply a JSON file you create to instruct your browser on how to display content on your webpage. The aim of this is to mirror the UX design and technical features of a traditional app that users have to download from an app store, which in turn results in the creation of a PWA. To summarise, a Web Application Manifest is essentially the framework of your webpage in terms of UX design, visibility and functionality. 


Still Wondering How It Benefits Your Online Business?

  • PWAs have a significantly faster loading time than a traditional responsive website, all whilst both remaining compatible and adding modernised functionality to older browsers.
  • The PWA cache feature allows for large amounts of data to be stored and accessible offline, allowing users to browse web pages with zero internet connection and no buffer.
  • The mobile device app experience with a much lower average cost, especially when considering the multiple roles that go into creating an app available in major app stores.
  • Users can still download your webpage directly to their home screen from your PWA with the same functionality of downloading a traditional app from an app store.


The Impact Of Using PWAs For SEO

Using progressive web apps you’re likely to improve your visibility both organically and through SEO. Using PWAs provide a high calibre of UX design and functionality,  previously exclusive to traditionally developed mobile apps. Last but not least, PWAs are technically still visible in search engines as web pages instead of an app. Meaning, you can still reap the benefits of data analytics and SEO strategies you’re already using alongside organic traffic driven by UX design.

Overall with technology developing faster than we can type, implementing PWAs will become an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. If you need any advice on where to begin contact our digital agency Melbourne specialists and book a consultation today.


Learn more about PWA